Long Haul

Operate with ease across large distances

Operate your vehicles by controlling their load at all times.
Companies dedicated to the transport of cargo and goods control the status and costs of their fleet. Analyse fuel efficiency, save on maintenance and centralise all documents and data of your operations. Get full control over the status of goods and deliveries.
Long Haul

Find out how other transport companies use Pulpo

Thanks to cost control and maintenance management, you will be able to manage your fleet with maximum profitability.
Save on maintenance

Save on maintenance

Create a preventive maintenance plan for your units.
Control fuel costs

Control fuel costs

Analyse fuel efficiency by vehicle, driver, or region. Save on fuel costs.
Centralise your vehicle insurance information

Centralise your vehicle insurance information

Digitise your insurance documents. Keep your information tidy and accessible at all times.
Long Haul

Discover the best way to control your fleet costs with Pulpo.

Centralise information and payments and analyse the performance of each unit.
  • View all expenses for each vehicle and driver
  • Centralise expenditure and payment information.
  • Create cost-effectiveness and TCO reports
  • Right-size your fleet
  • Control fuel use and fuel efficiency.
  • Find out which vehicles are more efficient
  • Analyse the driving behaviour of your drivers
  • Assign drivers to each available vehicle in seconds
  • Monitor vehicle journeys.
  • Control the status and delivery times of the goods.
  • Communicate with staff and drivers
  • Create alerts and tasks to work more efficiently

Other companies already use Pulpo to monitor their operations.

Transport companies can control their operations and all their costs with Pulpo .
Food & Beverage
Food & Beverage
Consumer Goods
Consumer Goods
Pharmaceutical industry
Pharmaceutical industry
Electric Utility
Electric Utility
Long Haul

Red Aduanera - Logistics

Maintenance management and fleet control allow Logística Red Aduanera to save 20% in corrective maintenance and repair costs.

Modules of interest

Schedule maintenance

Create a maintenance plan for your vehicles and never again spend on unnecessary repairs.
  • Create a preventive maintenance plan for your units.
  • Plan maintenance dates to keep vehicles in perfect condition at all times.
  • Receive alerts when a vehicle is due for a workshop visit
  • Create tasks for your team and drivers when they have to take the vehicle for servicing.
  • Save money by avoiding corrective maintenance
  • Offer your drivers safe and well-maintained vehicles
  • Centralise vehicle documents in one place
  • Prevent accidents by monitoring the condition of the fleet.
  • Mobile App Driver Communication

Pulpo integrates with other tools

Centralise all your fleet information with Pulpo

Find out how Pulpo is helping transport companies.

Request a Demo
Fleet management
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