Success stories

Red Aduanera - Logistics

Maintenance management and fleet control allow Logística Red Aduanera to save 20% in corrective maintenance and repair costs.
Red Aduanera - Logistics


Use case


Type of vehicles


Dual-axle dollies

Refrigerated trucks

Closed box vans

Forklifts up to 1 t.

Logística Red Aduanera controls its operations with Pulpo

Save time and money in your operation by controlling everything that happens to your vehicles and scheduling maintenance at the right time.

Maintenance savings

Preventive maintenance plan that saves costs on repairs and accidents

Centralisation of information

Data is uploaded to the platform. If a manager needs to know, they have complete access.

Data analysis

Time saving and quality decision making by comparing supplier data, evolution of spending, and TCO.

The company

Logística Red Aduanera is the transport division of Red Aduanera Peninsular, a leading company in integrated foreign trade solutions. Its mission is to respond to the needs of its customers' supply chain through key logistics, transport and storage services.

The challenge

Prior to Pulpo, Logística Red Aduanera kept records of maintenance manually in Excel. These records indicated different circumstances, for example: if a unit was clean, or if it had suffered a blow. In terms of vehicle management, control was done using the Outlook calendar, which was used by several people at the same time.

driver driving

The solution

The aim was to reduce their high maintenance expenditure, better control each unit, reduce the costs they incurred and make fleet management more efficient by reducing consultation times.

With Pulpo, you can centralise your fleet and driver documents in a simple and easily accessible way. Maintenance planning offers significant savings in repairs and downtime of disabled vehicles. In addition, it achieves an agile control of the operation and the fleet with the assignment of drivers and vehicles.

Favourite modules

Preventive Maintenance

Thanks to the tool, Red Aduanera has achieved a favorable balance between preventive maintenance (62%) and corrective maintenance (38%) and reduced maintenance costs.

Centralisation of documents

If a claim occurs, or the authorities request documentation on the vehicle, the operator finds digitised and centralised information on the platform.

Control of vehicles

They know where each vehicle is at any given moment, its condition, and what activity it is carrying out.

Provider Budgeting

Price and quality comparison of repair providers to work with only the most reliable and quality ones.

"With the use of Pulpo, Logística Red Aduanera reduced by 20% the cost of corrective maintenance and repairs."

Fleet Manager - Logistics Customs Network

Optimise your vehicle fleet and save operating costs.

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