Commercial Fleet

Guarantee available and healthy vehicles

Maximise trade visits and save on operating costs
With Pulpo, find out which vehicles are available and assign drivers so your team always has units available. Centralise all vehicle documents in one place so you can find them instantly. Get alerts if a procedure is coming up or if a vehicle needs maintenance.
Commercial Fleet

This is how companies using Pulpo control their commercial fleet.

Always have vehicles available for your sales team to visit.
Assign vehicles to drivers

Assign vehicles to drivers

Make sure there is always a car available for your team.
Centralise all documents

Centralise all documents

Sort information and save time with all data available in one place.
Control fuel costs

Control fuel costs

Analyse fuel efficiency by vehicle, driver, or region. Save on fuel costs.
Commercial Fleet

Centralise drivers' documents and expenses.

Save time and money by keeping track of all fleet expenses
  • Control spending by vehicle, driver, or area.
  • Customised reports to understand performance by vehicle and driver
  • Analyse and compare spending month by month
  • Centralise payments and documents on the platform
  • Integrate information on tolls, fines, fuel costs, and more.
  • Eliminate tickets and expense notes
  • Schedule maintenance when necessary and notify the driver
  • Automate fines and allocate them to each offender
  • Analyse the Driving Score of each of your employees

Hundreds of companies already use Pulpo to control their commercial fleet.

Find out how they use Pulpo
Pharmaceutical industry
Pharmaceutical industry
Consumer Goods
Consumer Goods
Electric Utility
Electric Utility
Food & Beverage
Food & Beverage
Passenger Transport
Passenger Transport
Commercial Fleet

Virbac - Pharmaceuticals

Virbac gains full visibility of its fleet expenditure and reduces its costs thanks to, among other functions, the control of fines and maintenance.

Modules of interest

Communicate with drivers in an agile way

Create and receive tasks or notifications. Improve communication between the team.
  • Improves communication between areas of the company.
  • Generate and send usage and expense reports.
  • Notifies drivers of the vehicle assigned to them.
  • Requests that events and expenses are recorded via the driver app.
  • Warns drivers that they have to go through a procedure or service.
  • Receive alerts when something is out of the established parameters.

Pulpo integrates with all your tools

Do you want to connect your tools to Pulpo?

Find out how companies control their vehicles

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Fleet management
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